This visa is meant for the applicants who receive a nomination from State/Territory Government and seeking a permanent residency in Australia with a skilled visa.
Steps required initiating Skilled Nomination Visa (Sub class 190)

  • Contact the preferred territory or states
  • Submit an expression of interest with them.
  • Nominated by the territory or state for visa.
  • Apply for the Visa (subclass 190) upon invitation.
Skilled Nomination Visa (Sub class 190)

What are the requirements to apply for Skilled Nomination Visa (Subclass 190)

  • You must of 45 years of age on the date of receiving the invitation.
  • You must possess competent English skills.
  • You must procure 65 marks or above under the expression of interest.
  • In the nominated occupation, you must procure a necessary threshold on Consolidated Occupation List (CSOL).
  • A state/territory government must nominate you and you must comply with the specific requirements implied by the particular state/territory government.
  • You must possess the skills as assessed by the designated assessing authority.
  • To apply for this visa category, the department must invite you.

How can we assist you in procuring the Skilled Nomination Visa (subclass 190)?

To attain a permanent Australian Residency visa, we have successfully assisted many skilled professional aspirants and help them reach their goals. From designing an exclusive expression of interest depending on each case in soliciting a state nomination to organizing, preparing and lodging a visa application, our team of professional experts assists you at each step. We understand each intricacy involved and guide you accordingly to help you in getting through the visa application process successfully.